How Macro Evolution is tied to Abortion
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Dave in Lake Villa
2006-12-01 23:06:30 UTC
Abortion is the ultimate cheapening of human life ; killing the unborn
doesnt get any worse than that. If human beings are nothing but the
random accident of Pond Scum which allegedly came from dead matter for
no reason...then, why would developing unborn human beings be
considered of any dignity and value? They arent in America which boasts
4400 abortions per DAY of which 93% of these are from Sexual Hedonism
gone wrong. Its americas Halocaust...at least 7 times more than what
Hitler did to the Jews .

Not sure if Abortion is the destroying of innocent human life ???
Have a look for the answer :

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I wish you a Merry CHRISTmas as The Creator who decided to intervene in
humanity is celebrated . This is the real reason for the season.
2006-12-02 01:05:50 UTC
Dave in Lake Villa wrote: more BS

Take a look at the following and see the results of following
fundamental religious fuckwads like Davie

Jonestown, French Guiana
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This one from Waco,Texas
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It's brainwashed lying religious fuckwit's
just like you that caused over 600 people to die, either by cynaide
laced kool-aid (many children forced by their own parents to drink it)
or by fire in Texas as a DIRECT result of following religious deadheads

like Jones and Koresh. They are no different that right-wing
fundamentalists abortion hating fuckwits like you and your mentors who
feel they can order others to do their bidding by whatever perverse
methods at their disposal

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