God and Evolution It all Makes Perfect Sense
(too old to reply)
2005-04-29 18:48:16 UTC
The debate of creationism and evolution will go on for ever but here is
something I ran across that makes some sense toward both theories. It
helped me think about the possibilities of it making some sense out of
the huge debate so I'll share it with everyone here for what it's worth.

This is sure to spark even more controversy and debate but just think
about it for awhile.

God and Evolution - It All Makes Perfect Sense

Since the beginning of the debate on the origins of the universe, and
how it fits in with religion, there has been a dividing line, or fence
if you will, that separates those who are evolutionists and those who
take the word of God in the Bible as being the one and only truth. Many
like to point to huge differences between the two sides when the real
answer is that they are both right.

The solution to removing the fence and understanding the truth lies in
simplicity rather than in deep or obscure thought or complicated
theories. Those who would desire that the fact of evolution be passed on
to others only as a theory because it contradicts their religious
beliefs haven't understood God and have been ignoring the truth of science.

The most accepted theory of science on the creation of the universe says
that it formed with a big bang somewhere between 8 and 20 billion years
ago. Modern science has come a long way, and we've had the opportunity
to look back at scientific certainty of what we have discovered to be
universal truths. That spark, or big bang, contained all of the
essential building blocks or naturally occurring elements to create and
form everything that exists in the universe since the beginning of time.
Star stuff, if you will, of which everything is comprised, irradiated
from that beginning.

We are, all of us, made of star stuff. The natural elements necessary
for life as we know it exist everywhere in the universe. It's the way in
which the star stuff is put together by the will of God, that makes
things different - a plant from an animal, or a rock from the air we
breathe, or a man from a woman. The star stuff arranged differently and
subjected to heat, cold, compression and other forces of God's choosing
created the world in which we live and every living thing.

The word of God as given to us in the Holy Bible in every transcribed
version says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
It was God, our heavenly Father and Creator, who formed that spark
together with everything that was necessary for the formation of the
heaven and earth. Both science and common sense tell us that it could
not have been just some random act. For the universe to form and for
life to form into human beings the God could impart a soul to, there had
to be thought and planning on a scale that only God could comprehend. It
didn't just happen.

Since the star stuff from the big bang was blown by the cosmic winds as
the universe expanded it begs the question asked if we are alone in the
universe. Common sense, logic and science would all agree that all of
the proper conditions necessary for life as we know it are most likely
out there somewhere. Especially considering that there are more suns
(stars) in the known universe than there are grains of sand on all the
beaches of the world. So next time you are at the beach, pick up a
handful of sand and then try to imagine.

So, then the most probable answer to the question is no, we are not
alone. There is a very likely chance that there is life in many other
places where the right star stuff collects, driven by the winds of the
cosmos, and the conditions such as temperature and air are right. But in
the grand scheme of things, it is the people of this planet Earth who
are God's chosen ones.

All of us. We are the direct descendants of Adam. We are also direct
descendants of what Adam was before God saw he was ready to receive the
breath of life that would give him a soul and make him a man. Accept
that and believe it. The sooner you do, the sooner you will end the
turmoil within you that asks all those questions and tests your faith
when you are faced with seemingly unexplained crisis. Do not ask God
why. Instead understand that he loves you or he would not have provided
all that is necessary for us to live and go forth, But he does not
interfere with the chemistry of life on Earth.

God directed life to form as we know it here on Earth. The breath of
life into a creature that made him a man and gave him a soul was God's
first miracle on Earth. It didn't happen on planet X revolving around
star Y. It happened here on the planet earth. And then God gave us
Moses, and Jesus along with a host of others that we may come to know
the Father and through Jesus prepare our lives to have eternal life with
Him. So, while there may be life elsewhere, we are all alone as being
his chosen people – the only ones with souls.

And that is what makes us different from every other living thing. As
the universe and the world evolved, everything had a purpose or God
would not have provided it. In the animal world it is pretty much eat or
be eaten. You are either someone's meal or looking for a meal. Plants
provide food and oxygen and magic properties for healing. Water, earth,
air – it all has purpose.

So what then is the purpose of man with a soul. Our only purpose as
God's chosen ones is to do God's will and love one another. All of this
life on Earth would work very well, and probably better, without us. God
created man in his own image to exist only for each other and to honor
our creator for the opportunity and privilege of life itself and all its
wonder and enjoyment. There is no other reason for us to be here. And
the complex manner in which star stuff is put together to form us didn't
just happen by chance. We are the culmination of 4.5 billion years of
God's star stuff , in just the right proportions, put in just the right
place, at just the right time.

Science pretty much agrees that Earth was created around 4.5 billion
years ago and life began to exist not long after. Due to the huge
timescales involved, there is inconclusive evidence for exact dates, but
nonetheless, the eagerness of life to exist was apparent from the
beginning. Star stuff created by God was there to form what would come

The study of evolution pretty much explains what happened from the
earliest single cell microbe until we have creatures as large as the
dinosaurs. In looking at the building blocks of matter that form
everything in the known universe from the science point of view, it's
all pretty clear. To witness it, one need only go to any world class
museum and observe what is preserved there and then apply common sense.
So what about the "missing link" that many point to as being the one
thing that puts down that theory of evolution in favor of the literal
translation of God's word in the book of Genesis. Those who point to it
are looking in the wrong places. New species of past living things are
discovered quite often and perhaps the continuity of the fossils and
other signs the scientists are looking for just have not been uncovered
yet. They may never find it because they stay on their own side of the
fence and don't even peek over it to the other side. Science can not
always be explained by science because God is behind everything known
and unknown.

The big bang that started it all is unexplainable in any other way than
by being caused God, our Creator. Science and evolution explain what
happened after, but not the cause. Whether you choose to call the
creator of the universe God, or Mohamed, or Buddha or Allah or by any
other name, it makes no difference because there was only one Creator.
It was not done by committee or a back room board meeting. The fact that
all the right things came forth from the spark that started it all
illustrates planning and forethought on such a grand scale that mortals
cannot comprehend any more than any of us can comprehend the vastness of
God's universe, nor count the stars in it.

Since the beginning of recorded time, the human experience has always
looked to above for the answers for the things that are unexplainable to
them in terms that they understand. For early civilizations it took a
lot of god's to explain everything they could not understand but science
and knowledge have pared the list down to just One, no matter what your
faith is or what name you choose to call Him by.
God provides the only answer to what some call the missing link! Those
that study genetics and hereditary know that certain mutations occur
unexplainable from time to time and that many of these mutations breed
true. So, in the evolution of things, mutations occurred, along with
survival of the fittest and all of the other things that the study of
evolution tells us. All in God's grand plan. He could have made
everything perfect, but these things must happen as they are a necessary
part of the stairway to heaven.

As our creator, he has given us everything we need. The proof of that
statement lies in our very existence. We are here. There are times that
the star stuff gets put together slightly different than was planned.
After all, this is a complicated process, building life. Science has
proved that along the way in the formation of life things happen. Slight
differences in the genetic makeup are what make living things different
from each other, such as why a person has blue eyes instead of brown, or
why a rose is red instead of yellow. Large differences that occur in
assembling the building blocks of life create all the big changes in
living things that we don't understand. These quirks that occur as life
forms just happen and can cause that life form to be vastly different.
And that explains birth defects, cancer, Alzheimer's disease,
homosexuality, three legged animals, Siamese twins, mongoloids, two
headed turtles, mental retardation, unbalanced thinking that creates
madmen and so on. These differences that we blame God for, or attempt to
ask him for an explanation of, or to work a miracle and change, come to
pass without his divine intervention in the very same way that
earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis and a host of other natural disasters
occur. You cannot deny that all of these things occur and now you know
it is not a deliberate act of God.

We must learn and accept that we are all God's chosen people and that he
did not purposely create the differences in us just the same as he does
not purposely create natural disasters. But his love and caring and
mercy is for all of his children and all his works. It is the human
experience that puts labels on the deviations from normal, not God. It
is the human experience that is creating the spread of HIV and depletion
of our natural resources and the pollution of our waters and the
depletion of the ozone layer, not God.

God provided the star stuff and the right circumstances for his chosen
people of Earth. But he does not and will not direct or orchestrate the
daily running of the planet. He did not mix his ingredients in the ways
that we have. We have caused global warming and pollution. He did not
create preservatives, agent orange, heroin, alcohol, nor all of the
other harmful man made things. God gave us many natural living things
that we have yet to completely understand and because we don't
understand, we make labels and laws. We think we are smarter than God by
the way we mix his star stuff to suit our fabricated needs but we've
found horrible combinations that can destroy our bodies, our minds, our
planet and our very existence. We've also created wonderful combinations
that heal our sick bodies and create the material things in our lives.

God gave his chosen people on Earth all that we have needed to go forth,
multiply and prosper. Then he gave us the ability to think and reason in
the example of Adam when the time was right and the tree of knowledge of
good and evil. He watches, loving and caring but not interfering. He
gave us a soul with the promise of everlasting life and the ability to
communicate with him if we choose to. It's up to us now.
Science tells us that it took from between 8 and 20 billions years ago
when the big bang occurred until 4.5 billion years ago for the earth to
form. Then just 1.5 billion years for the "Southern Ape" to emerge that
had some basic traits of humans. Another billion years for "Homo
Habilis" to appear, who is generally credited with being the first true
humans. Now only another half billion years to find Homo Erectus and
another half billion years and we find Homo Sapiens. From about 25,000
years ago until the end of the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago we
finds lots of evidence of intelligent life.

All of this is explained quite nicely as the evolution of life on earth.
One thing leads to another and so on.

Now understand that through translation and other factors, that the Word
of God, as is written and accepted today can be largely symbolic. The
Word of God says that it took only 6 days from the beginning until the
heavens and the earth were finished. Science says 8 to 20 billion years.
So, who is right? They both are. When God wrote the book of Genesis
through men inspired by Him, the knowledge that we have today did not
exist. So each "day" could be a thousand years or several billion years.
It matters not.

What does matter is that God was watching his creation evolve and come
to life. Evolution is defined as a process of development from a simple
to a complex form or a gradual progressive change. In the book of
Genesis, we learn that God started with life brought forth by waters,
then the birds and great whales and then cattle, creeping things and
beasts. That is the same order of appearance that science has proven in
the study of how life evolved on Earth. At some point in time, God was
rather pleased with all that had been done. And when he found that life
had progressed to the point that it was time for mankind, he formed man
from a chosen candidate by breathing into his nostrils the breath of his
life and gave man a living soul and God called him Adam. And then God
made certain that there was the Garden of Eden to put man in to have
what he needed to go forth and gave him Eve.

Proof of God's magic intervention in life on Earth can be found by
taking the entire history of the universe and looking at it as all
happening in 1 year.

Imagine that the history of the universe is compressed into one
year—with the big bang occurring in the first seconds of New Year’s Day,
and all our known history occurring in the final seconds before midnight
on December 31. It took from the beginning until 10:48 PM on Dec 31st
for Homo Erectus to appear and Christopher Columbus set sail at 1 second
before midnight*. God is patient but the human experience did not start
to accelerate and bring us to where we are today at such a rapid pace
without that divine breath of life.

But the Bible says Adam was created from the dust of the ground and Eve
from Adams rib. Remember symbolic? Was it really 6 days or was it 15
billion years? God was making a dramatic statement here as he wrote
Genesis. Did Seth really live nine hundred and twelve years and Adam one
hundred and thirty years? Today's science would indicate that to be
impossible. Now if you refuse or don't want to accept this then ponder
some. If we point to the Bible as being the absolute truth, verbatim,
word for word, then there is a very large unexplainable gap.
Consider this. Adam knew Eve, his wife, and she conceived and bare
Cain. And then she conceived again and bare Abel. Then Cain rose up
against Abel his brother and slew him. That left Adam, Eve and Cain at
the end of verse 8, Chapter 4 of God's Holy words as recorded in the
book of Genesis. Then just 9 verses later we learn that Cain knew his
wife and she conceived and bare Enoch. Then Adam knew his wife again and
bare a son and called his name Seth. And then to Seth there was born a
son and he called him name Enos. Are we missing something here? There is
no written explanation passed on to us as to where Cain's wife came from
just as there is no record of Seth's wife. And yet it happened because
here we are. There is no doubt that others received the breath of life
also, but simply were not named or recorded.

On either side of opposing views or beliefs, there's an unexplainable
hole or gap that can only be explained by the existence of our Creator.
Believers are comfortable with ignoring that gap and accepting
explanations for it without absolute certainty of proof nor perfect
written record. If you can accept that, then you must look also on the
other side of the fence for the proof of our Creators existence in all
his works as revealed to us through the evolution of time and life.
Evolution is the work of God and they are in perfect agreement. Believe
it, start loving each other and caring for each other in a way you've
never done before. The argument is over and God wins because his truth,
his creation, is evolution itself and it started with star stuff created
from the big bang.

So what of the future and all of this. The future is what we make it.
God will not interfere and will not step in to save our planet from
ourselves or from what the evolution of the universe will bestow upon
us. He won't. We have to. The evolution of his creation for his chosen
people will march on. Science tells us with absolute certainty that in
time our sun will expand and envelop the Earth. It is a fact that there
will come a day that life will have to cease to exist on Earth. The
prophecies foretold will come to pass and Armageddon will be upon the
earth. God's plans for the earth will be accomplished.

Author unknown

30 January 2004

*The Universe in One Year was inspired by the late astronomer, Carl
Sagan (1934-1996). Sagan was the first person to explain the history of
the universe in one year as a "Cosmic Calendar" in his PBS television
series, Cosmos .


Denver does a cool thing.
2005-05-07 03:47:24 UTC
pierre de laplage
2006-04-02 21:00:47 UTC
NO ONE can be absolutely positive about anything, anyone who thinks
otherwise is either a child or a university graduate.
